The Right Place For You Foundation is a creation of committed youth development activities with critical understanding with a coalition of field intellectuals and experienced development workers. It is a secular, non-political organization that aims at social change through people's participation at all levels. It was grown to promote harmonious collaboration between various talents and professions for the development of the underprivileged sections of the society. It has arisen with the challenge against exploited, unjust systems and structures in society and has intervened with cultural and social inquiry to improve the quality of life and bring about change within the society at all levels. A team of energetic youth led by a seasoned energetic secretary, guided by learned professors, progressive lawyers and doctors, whose inspiration and initiation led to the rise of the the right place for you foundation.

The Right Place For You Foundation envisions a society that is equitable, just, participatory, sustainable, free from exploitation and discrimination, and where people have the freedom to pursue their own lives in peaceful interdependence with the natural world.
Through awareness, solidarity, and a comprehensive strategy that secures power to the majority of the population who are powerless and leads to a classless society, the culture of silence among the deprived mass low class must be shattered.

Organize and empower the deprived marginalized poor specially women enhancing leadership promoting girls through facilitation towards self reliance enable them to access and control over natural resources.
Volunteers with teamwork and a sense of responsibility are involved in our organization. Through its community-based development programs, it emphasizes the principles of selflessness, without showing any evidence of panic. Greater economic, social and political domains, justice and equality. Founded on mutual dependence and self-reliance, communities and individuals work together in solidarity.

We help dogs and cats at the right place for you foundation. We serve those who are destitute animals or the animals that remain injured,
We have Many animals at The Right Place Foundation For you Animal care centre up for the adoption from puppies to abandoned doges tp cats to rabbits
Pedigree puppy/dog food, canned kitten/cat food, kitten/cat chow, dish detergent, liquid laundry detergent, disinfectant wipes (ex. Clorox or Lysol wipes). Fabuloso, bleach, paper towels, fleece blankets, pill pockets, puppy pads, old towels (no holes). Only sealed, unopened food please.
Our foundation has been working tirelessly for the upliftment of the society by making people aware about education, health and it's importance in order to have a skilled and hygienic tomorrow. We work on Education, Healthcare, Livelihood, Women Empowerment, Environment, Sanitation, Food Security, Emergency Response & Disaster Relief.