Donated Blankets And Saved Homeless People From The Freezing Cold
Every Year There Are Many People Who Leave Their Home And Family And Come To Big Cities Like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata To Earn, So That They Can Send Money To Their Home And Run Their Household. But In These Big Cities, Due To Inflation, Living Arrangements Are Not Available, Due To Which These People Sleep On The Footpath. These Laborers Spend The Night On The Footpath In Hot Weather, But As Soon As The Cold Comes, It Becomes Difficult For Them To Live Because They Neither Have Much Money Nor Proper Clothes To Cover Their Body. And Save Yourself From The Cold. So Our Team Along With Volunteers Distributed Blankets To Such Poor Destitute And Needy People In Delhi NCR.

Story of Vasudev
His Name Is Vasudev, He Came From Bihar To Run His Household Expenses In Delhi, Vasudev Is Also One Of Those People Who Do Not Have A House To Live In, So They Sleep On Footpaths In The Night. Along With Many Of Our Volunteers We Went To Vasudev And Asked About Vasudev's Problem, Vasudev Told Us Why He Left His Family And Came To Work And How He Get A Job Worth 10,000 To Run His Household Expenses.
Are Doing They Also Told Us That They Have Neither A Place To Live Nor A Mat To Lay On The Ground, Due To Which They Have To Face Severe Cold. Due To This Vasudev's Health Also Remains Very Bad, After Listening To All These Problems, Our Organization Gave Good Blanket And Carpet To Vasudev So That He Can Pass The Next Nights Peacefully. With This Help Of Our Donors, Volunteers & Organization, Vasudev Will Now Be Able To Rest His Body Properly At Night And Go To Daily Work And He Will Be Able To Feed His Family.
Story of Suman Devi
Her Name Is Suman Devi, She Is A Resident Of Madhya Pradesh, When We Went To Her, She Told Us That Her Children Got Together And Threw Her Out From The House. For Some Time She Worked As A Sweeper To Make Ends Meet But Due To An Accident She Lost Her Eyesight, She Was Also Fired From Her Job Because Of Her Blindness, Although Suman Devi Used To Sleep Somewhere In Summer.
She Has To Face A Lot Of Problems In Winter Because She Is Also A Blind Woman, Due To Which She Has To Face A Lot Of Problems. After Hearing And Understanding All These Problems, Our Organization Got Them A Place To Spend The Night By Talking To The Priest Of The Nearby Temple. This Gave Her A Safe Place To Stay And We Also Gave Her A Nice Carpet And Blankets To Spend Next Cold Nights.

Story of Manoj
His Name Is Manoj, He Is A Resident Of Jharkhand, When We Went Near Him And We Talked To Him, He Told Us Why He Is Living Here Leaving His House, Manoj Is The Only Earning Person Of His Family On Whose Shoulders Is The Burden Of Daily Expenses Of The Whole Family.
His Father Had Passed Away When He Was Young, So The Responsibility Of His Entire Household Fell On His Shoulders. Now Manoj Drives A Rickshaw In Delhi, From Which He Earns Some Money In The Whole Day, Then He Sends That Earning To His Home, Due To No Facility To Stay Here, He Also Sleeps On The Pavement Under The Open Sky. Because Of Which They Have To Face A Lot Of Problems In Winter, Manoj Is The Person Who Is Working Day And Night To Run The Expenses Of His House, But Wants To Spend A Peaceful Night In This Terrible Cold, So Our Organization Found A Solution And They Were Given Carpets And Blankets. So That Their Health Does Not Deteriorate And They Can Go To Their Work On Time In The Morning.
We are providing winter blankets to patients and people living on the streets every winter. Our organization runs Blanket Donation Campaign, where we provide high quality warm blankets to the underprivileged living in our country.
There can be no better gift than giving warm clothes to the needy during the winter season. We now have the chance to help humanity by providing blankets to those in need even though millions of homeless people suffer from the rigours of winter and run a significant risk of contracting dangerous illnesses. The thrill of saving someone's life is unmatched.
Our team went to many places in Delhi to distribute blankets at night, and we saw that there were many homeless people who were sleeping on the side of the road, they didn't even have a good blanket to cover their body, People were somehow spending time in the cold on the side of the road and people were also feeling cold because people did not have good quality blankets.
Most of us, wrapped in jackets and mufflers, do not even have an idea of how millions of individuals and families living in extreme conditions are arranging the basic necessities of life. Buying thick blankets and mufflers is not possible for many people. During the night, our volunteers were roaming in different areas of Delhi NCR. People were sleeping on the road without wearing any clothes on their body and without blanket to protect their body. Some rickshaw pullers were sleeping on their rickshaw fearing that their rickshaw might be stolen. Thus, after understanding their needs, at The Right Place For You Foundation, we have taken prompt steps to meet the daily winter needs of the Natives living in marginalized communities.
Seeing all these things, our team members met the people who were sleeping on the side of the road and asked the solution of the people, how are they, as well as our team talked to the people that they do not have any problem and our team solved as many problems as possible, along with this we also distributed blankets and sheets to the people.
The condition of Delhi NCR worsens every year in winter.
In Delhi and the entire NCR, every winter chokes the life of more than 30,000 people. Nobody denies the rising death rate throughout the winter. We believe that we should step forward and offer warm clothing and blankets without charge because the cost of warm clothing is rising during the winter due to hawkers and street vendors. Many people and animals suffer. In order to help homeless persons living in difficult situations, NGOs and other groups should prioritise planning ahead. The challenges presented by the winter season put the lives of rickshaw pullers, daily wage employees, and migrant workers at risk.
A soul standing in the pit of suffering and sorrow is always one with an empty stomach. Millions of poor and homeless people living on the streets of Delhi and the National Capital Region are hoping for survival during the harsh winter months. In recent years, it has become more and more commonplace to see people living on the sidewalks and streets. Poor people who lack the resources to purchase a roof over their heads eke out an existence on the walkways and flyovers of well-built metro stations in various parts of Delhi NCR.